An alternative way to organize events is to choose one particular location and then organize a hybrid event, or a physical event broadcast live or on a deferred basis to be conveyed on digital channels. The advantages? Give a part if bypassa Covid & C in the sense that there is a limited number of people on site and therefore safety and distances are satisfied. On the other hand, the way of referring to the public changes. No more le 50-60-70 people sent but potentially many more because they are comfortably connected remotely. In the case of corporate events and with the need to promote themselves, much higher coverage. And the possibility of creating video material for the brand that then remains. The uses are many, from the company to the ceremonies. It also ranges from the simple shooting to the real event with direction and live streaming. In the latter case, as he explains Alessandra Boiardi, the choice of location matters a lot The boom of hybrid events: what you need to know about strategy, audience and content
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