Villa & design


  • May 27, 2024

Marilena Boccato and Gian Nicola Gigante they are two designers from Treviso who have been active above all over the years 70-90. Engaged in both architecture and industrial design, they designed for Seccose, Panto, Zerbetto, Caloi, Ultom and many others. In collaboration with the Paduan Antonio Zambusi they also drew a lot for Sicart, famous bathroom accessories company based in Cartigliano (VI). For the bathrooms villa in due time their objects were chosen. Especially the series Cancel (circa 1975-76). Now the factory is no longer there but their pieces or soap dishes, coat hangers, toothbrush holder, toilet brush holder, roll holder and more, they still populate our bathrooms in an absolutely coordinated way. And they're fine.

Not long ago this beautiful story happened: the serious Cancel it was designed in a clean, thin steel profile that supported ceramic containers. A few nicks over the years’ ceramics took it. Wanting to replace them we faced not one but three problems: the pieces had been out of production for decades, the factory had closed a few years ago and, last but not least, an Arab who wanted to get rid of warehouses had bought it, projects and history. This seemed difficult. Having abandoned the idea of ​​involving heirs and the like, we went back up again, Once again, to those who frequent the factories(of)a: i designers !

Search and research we met a historic designer from Sicart, the professor Spanish Angel,. Thanks to him we managed to access the factory, where the professor found some old plaster casts of’Cancel. From here we then obtained the replacement pieces made by a ceramist from Nove, thus managing to maintain the spirit of the times in the bathrooms, the same original pieces from the 70s out of respect for the aesthetic choices made at the time and even for a while’ with a healthy vintage spirit.

And then having survived the temptation to radically change them for fifty years was certainly rewarded 🙂

The objects today

Sketches, projects and catalogues originals


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