villa bornello business events


  • October 12, 2021

The villa's vocation has always been to host corporate events. Many companies and freelancers have passed through here. An entrepreneurial fabric from Treviso and Veneto that loves to contaminate itself thanks to networking opportunities and meetings held here.

In recent months we are partners of Creativity Startup Competition, contest project for startup born within the Treviso Creativity Week. In the company of titled and important companies of Business Angeling Italian which Angels for Impact, Angels for Women ed Impact Hub calls to Treviso to provide some jurors and prizes for the next upcoming award ceremony. In the edition 2021 in particular, new products and innovative solutions are sought that can bring added value, a significant benefit in terms of sustainable development, attributable to one or more of the 17 Objectives of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development


Treviso today

Treviso Today

News Food


  • October 14, 2020

Business events and congresses allowed. For locations like ours devoted to business events it is a sigh of relief.

The signing of the new Dpcm has arrived, after the feedback from the Regions on the final text proposed by the Government. As far as congresses and trade fairs are concerned, the decree does not provide for changes compared to the previous ones: you can continue to do this after adopting the protocols validated by the technical-scientific committee and guaranteeing the interpersonal distancing of at least 1 metro among the participants in relation to the characteristics of the Sorgente rooms: What the new Dpcm says about events and congresses


  • May 21, 2020

There are those who have been left out’ . Not fired, be clear, but invited by the company to work from home. They call Smart Working and hundreds of employees and freelancers are trying.

Sounds good but can be alienating. The kitchen table equipped for a few hours a day and in any case until lunch when you have to disembark, the shuttle with the sofa, the little Jacopo or Letizia who tug your sleeve to play. It's not easy.

Above all you are alone.

Yes of course you have a thousand conference calls and webinars during the day but you want to see colleagues from the neck down too, gossip in front of the coffee machine, lunch break at self service? Dear old brain storming in the meeting room cradled by a live Keynote? You miss all this? Covid has exterminated not only handshakes and hugs but also the palpable pleasure of working in a group in a comfortable environment, comodo, protective and pleasant.

There he is Smart Coworking. To which we will also add the adjective green. Not in the sense of the golf course (even if a couple of holes once here were once there :-). The Green Smart Coworking here with us is the possibility, once or twice a week (or per month) to leave the terrace at home, the sofa or the officer quickly set up in the attic for a business meeting in the villa. The variations are endless. There are also those who take advantage of our catering for the home lunch box. You have the net up to the lawn and various corners in which to set yourself apart, help yourself. Not a normal coworking, where you would find spaces necessarily similar to offices and often populated by strangers, but a warm and welcoming workplace where you can have a connection, comfort, open spaces e offices reserved. For the entire day, to take stock, to finish the famous project.

And if you need to take a nap, the famous power nap, you are spoiled for choice: the amaca or the lounge chair.

In short, do what you once did (nap aside:-). Have the best ideas by sipping a pond front tea, work hard but also joke, chat about light things.

In a word, collaborate. And in any case always observing the various measures dictated by the recent epidemic.

And for those who want a hypothesis of a dedicated ladder, here it is an example.




  • February 4, 2020

picnic aziendale villa bornello

A Corporate Picnic in Villa Bornello is something casual to get together with colleagues and friends away from the hard times and the aseptic corridors company. Today the company performances are also measured by the quality of’environment where you work and the relationships between individuals or teams. Values, mission, cooperation, targets: all things that once were discussed under ceilings Neon and today it is fashionable (also) tackle in the open, maybe facing pond, strolling through the hills, dozing under the gazebo natural trees. I company picnics Villa Bornello, on customer request, provide a series of equipment for the success of the event. They include outdoor furniture, barbeques, dedicated menu, salads, fruit and sweets. Besides entertainment and music. We are gearing up with the animators who provide games which, for once, You can not exceed the boss … be affected. You want a volleyball pitch? you will have!

To know each other even outside of the work context, or transform the work environment for brief periods at a time of mutual understanding and sharing, It can lead colleagues to create relationships and dynamics, maybe allow you to better understand certain attitudes or choices made in a professional office. Things that maybe would trigger in the company.

To put it to the Stanley Kubrick: “All work and no play, make Jack a dull boy” (So much work and no play makes Jack a dull boy).

And if during The company picnic you want to make a riunioncina reserved we have available offices, with wifi and video projection.

Want more information on how to organize a company picnic in Villa Bornello ?

For further information contact us pure


  • January 21, 2020

Villa Bornello between the locations of the Film Commission. We thank the Treviso Film Commission for giving between its pages. E’ a great satisfaction not only to accommodate – hopefully happen – the ‘ seventh art’ but also being in the company of many mansions titled land. opera, in centuries, of innovative architects and builders enlightened. that a interesting link

As you say? What is it and what does the Treviso Film Commission? E’ Simply said:

E’ an entity, Public Participation, prepared attraction of cinematographic and audiovisual productions in a given territory. It offers to the productions a series of help actions to speed up, simplify the delivery of services that involve decisions and authorizations from the Public Administration and State Bodies. It also provides […] the availability of location for businesses and professionals. The Film Commission is also a provider of financial contributions when working on predefined location which is turn to savings on the production budget of the film, both economic impact on the Territory of the film commission.” [Source: Wikipedia].

Basically if you have a movie (but not only, also spot, shootings, music videos, etc.) in the drawer and want to turn Treviso you can turn to them.

Then, But, turn it here with us 🙂

Villa Bornello between the locations of the Film Commission. Thanks again to the TFC for giving attention to the work of a visionary entrepreneur, with love for detail and for their land, and its unique country house whose genius loci still he lives today between business meetings e events always surrounded by greenery and conviviality.