company picnic villa Bornello


  • February 4, 2020

picnic aziendale villa bornello

A Corporate Picnic in Villa Bornello is something casual to get together with colleagues and friends away from the hard times and the aseptic corridors company. Today the company performances are also measured by the quality of’environment where you work and the relationships between individuals or teams. Values, mission, cooperation, targets: all things that once were discussed under ceilings Neon and today it is fashionable (also) tackle in the open, maybe facing pond, strolling through the hills, dozing under the gazebo natural trees. I company picnics Villa Bornello, on customer request, provide a series of equipment for the success of the event. They include outdoor furniture, barbeques, dedicated menu, salads, fruit and sweets. Besides entertainment and music. We are gearing up with the animators who provide games which, for once, You can not exceed the boss … be affected. You want a volleyball pitch? you will have!

To know each other even outside of the work context, or transform the work environment for brief periods at a time of mutual understanding and sharing, It can lead colleagues to create relationships and dynamics, maybe allow you to better understand certain attitudes or choices made in a professional office. Things that maybe would trigger in the company.

To put it to the Stanley Kubrick: “All work and no play, make Jack a dull boy” (So much work and no play makes Jack a dull boy).

And if during The company picnic you want to make a riunioncina reserved we have available offices, with wifi and video projection.

Want more information on how to organize a company picnic in Villa Bornello ?

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