

  • July 27, 2024

Wedding as an event or as something intimate and heartfelt? One hundred and fifty, two hundred people or thirty-fifty intimates perhaps allowing themselves a certain luxury? What if you did it just the two of you or with very few friends, but it lasted two or three days? There are many possibilities. Here are some examples of what we organize here villa.


The microwedding is an intimate celebration, around the 50-60 invited to the maximum, which allows the spouses to experience every single moment of the event and to lovingly take care of all the guests. It can turn into a luxury wedding, treated with attention to the smallest details, thanks to the small number of participants. Imagine being able to share a little holiday with your friends people closest to you, perhaps spending a few days relaxing before or after the big day.


Minimony is a perfect formula for couples who don't want to give up officially getting married and celebrating their love on the day it was planned. The reception with all the guests is only postponed at a later time, when it will be possible again. Minimony is therefore the intimate celebration with parents and siblings. The “sequel” with friends we will do it another time. Here in Villa they often organize the premiere, intima, for lunch and then the party with the kids amici it will be.


From here we slide into the actual development, that is, the possibility of celebrate your wedding as a real romantic escape. Only the married and in some cases very few intimates , they organize a trip with a ceremony in the villa (for example two or three days in Veneto, between the Prosecco hills, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and Venice with wedding and overnight stay in the villa. Services such as photographer or videomaker are generally insured, wanting.


  • June 18, 2024

They even wanted grass (a bit) high these 'frikketoni', in order to have the daisies so dear to us nostalgici seventies. Dyane 2cv was missing, Bulli Wolkswagen and portable record players but as for fringes, hair ties, wedges, Rayban, floral shirts, mileage lapels, leather jackets, genderless overalls and elephant paws, they were second to none. A feather boa was also spotted meandering around.

Federica and Alessandro thus celebrated their wedding, giving an often formal event such as a wedding a jaunty touch. Catering in linea, refined but informal. Some flashes towards 23.00 it was immortalized by the villa photographer above the band (Credits: Bitols singer & dj ) that sounded.

Click on the images to enlarge


  • February 28, 2023

organize a marriage, un compleanno oppure un corporate event e desideri un’idea per realizzare tutto ciò che serve per comunicare con i tuoi ospiti o clienti? Ti servono inviti, menu, cartelle stampa & product, gadgets, placeholder, cartellonistica? Villa Bornello ti può consigliare vestendo il tuo evento di una comunicazione efficace, asciutta e su misura.

Ad esempio un matrimonio

Ad esempio un evento aziendale

  • studio logo evento
  • invito cartaceo e digitale
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  • segnaposto al tavolo
  • menu
  • libretti cerimonia, tableau de mariage
  • biglietto lista nozze
  • mappa percorsi chiesaaeroportistazionilocation e simili
  • invito cartaceo e digitale
  • landing page dell’evento
  • event stationery
  • menu
  • cartellonistica
  • bags
  • mappa percorsi e logistica


  • November 13, 2022

Our customers often want to soak in the verde. This is possible every day of the year. For those who want to bring their guests outside as well, pagodas and marquees I am ideal. Place between villa, pond and park, versatile and wide, ideal for various preparations that follow one another during the event (from the welcome to the ceremony, then to lunch and eventually to the dance, not to mention the possible meeting during the corporate events) it is possible to enjoy the surrounding greenery comfortably seated. In addition to the structures you can use the portici, visit and use environments of the villa and, if you have a green thumb, the paths of the park I'm at your disposal.


  • October 5, 2022

From 'design addicted' what we are, here is the latest arrival. He is 'Ulysses' designed by Ivan Loss for Sandrigarden in the early 1980s. It is a walking stool, jaunty and ideal for picnics ( how fitting here in the park) trips or conversations in the countryside. Look at the 'brochure' – in those days it was called that – original in the final image where its uses are explained. An iconic piece son of that era and now available to our guests, or rather their backs :-). And then it's also red.

We love working on ours particular mood so different from the sumptuousness and noble storytelling of the Venetian villas. We are easy, cheeky, modern.


  • September 27, 2022


  • August 9, 2022

We create our buildings and then they create us. Likewise, noi costruiamo la nostra cerchia di amici e le nostre comunità e poi loro costruiscono noi.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Treviso Città e Storie non la fa semplice. Da qualche anno racconta Treviso e provincia in modo nuovo. Non rimane in superficie. Non che si vogliano escludere i consueti ‘Marca Gioiosa et amorosa’ , il radicchio rosso, il prosecco o le case affrescate. Solo loro scavano (O, giocando su di una vocale, scovano) storie piccole e grandi di un tessuto imprenditoriale attuale che, per la ricchezza che crea, diventa anche sociale, culturale, gastronomico, emotivo.

Le eccellenze classiche del territorio le sappiamo tutti. Le loro storie invece sono spesso sconosciute ai più, partono dai dettagli e raccontano esempi di qualità che fa doppiamente piacere incrociare perché letteralmente dietro l’angolo. I redattori poi imperversano. Macinano chilometri , incontrano, indagano, intervistano, fanno domande, raccolgono materiali, fotografano, impostano, affinano, cesellano e partoriscono il pezzo. In una parola fanno i giornalisti alla vecchia maniera. Una sorta di Hunter Thompson di Marca.

This piece sulla villa rende il genius loci della casa raccontandola per i suoi scopi progettuali passed e futuri. Because architecture is volume but also use. And even fantasy, come sa bene Mara Pavan, che fa attraversare ad Alice la lunetta del nostro portico-stagno per entrare in un’altra dimensione. Ed in effetti è un pocosì, and the size is very green. Qui da noi forse nessun Bianconiglio, Mad Hatter or Cheshire Cat. Però se volete una festa di ‘non compleannosiamo qui 🙂

Grazie Treviso Città e Storie.


  • August 1, 2022

E’ It was long but we did it. Natalia and Lorenzo had spotted the villa at the beginning 2020 and they chose, true to the line, to postpone the wedding twice just to have it here without masks, restrictions or gizmos of sorts. They chose the symbolic ritual in park, alongside it at lunch, entertainment for children, to the MAGE, to music, to the vintage ice cream maker with cart.

By punctuating the different moments of the day with a script that is possible here because the villa becomes a blank sheet on which customers can design their event together with us in the shadow of modern architecture. An impeccable officiant led the spouses and those present along the stages of a symbolic rite that touched solemn moments and tore a few tears that were then evaporated by the irony and music that enveloped the rite of sand. The spouses read their vows to each other in front of their children and friends and then shared the other ingredients of the day with them.


(Ph credits: Jose Cruz and altri)


  • March 17, 2022

There was a crime a Villa Bornello. The victim, male, around thirty years old, distinct in its gray pinstripe, was found stabbed in the lounge. He was one of the guests at the NYPD dinner, that was held here with us. The year runs 1922 and all the guests are in great shape. Just before sitting down at the table, a scream tears the air. The man lies on his back with a knife in his side. The investigations are entrusted to the Chief Inspector Martina – of which, coincidentally, it is also the birthday

Making his way between ostrich boas, plumes, feathers, Borsalino, cigars and fringed skirts, Martina reaches the body. Searching him finds the first clues; others immediately follow. By pressing those present, he reconstructs the picture and in a few hours solves the case by tracing the evidence with the help of trusted assistants.

Towards evening the twist: while like Nick Carter at the end of the episode he points out the culprit, the skilled inspector is surprised by Carlotta, her most trusted collaborator and organizer of the evening than, kneeling in front of her, he hands her a ring asking her to marry her.

The costume party and the birthday murder were a surprise. But for Martina it was not the only one.

Congratulations to the brides.


  • November 11, 2021

One might think that marriages last a whole day. E’ vero, but this was peculiar.

The villa has become the home of the newlyweds where guests and friends can be welcomed as they pass. From the late morning welcome (back from the Municipality) at lunch with closest relatives and friends to then slip into the afternoon to relax and finally meet the closest friends in the evening.

The high customization of the villa has made it possible to change the use of spaces by replacing furniture and services but always maintaining the 'easy mood’ that distinguishes it. It must have been the rich evening banquet, the dances with our DJ or the magic of the evening, in the end the couple were exhausted. We hosted them in the villa.

Lasciandoli assistere all’alba d’autunno nel parco.


  • October 30, 2021

No, the title is not our idea. E’ the sentence taken from a recent review received by a couple of doctors who celebrated their fiftieth wedding here. We propose it in full because it sums up the climate of that day well.

Let's get the guests talking. Below and also who

” The 3 October I celebrated ours with Aura 50 years of marriage. To keep us company our relatives in good numbers. Kindness and helpfulness of the owner have smoothed out any organizational problems. All those present shared our choice of a location different from the traditional ones that Veneto is rich in. In a very large and well-kept park, a modern and welcoming structure is inserted both in the internal room used for lunch and in the space in front with a portico enriched by a fountain and in the harmony of water, stones and plants reminded us of the Japanese gardens.
Our tension of the days preceding the anniversary was dissolved in the serenity transmitted by the surrounding park.
An experience that I strongly invite you to try. “


  • September 16, 2021

Capita, infrequently to tell the truth, who ask us for only one room. It might as well be ( for example for the business meetings) but the nice thing about having your own event here is being able to feel 'at home’ own for the duration of the event. Feel free to wander around an architecture literally merged with green. Browse the interiors, float in front of the pond, explore the park, chat with friends and colleagues.

And then the arcades , the furnishings, le luci. More than a location it is one little experience of modern architecture very close to Treviso. And in those hours the place is yours, everything, without without the risk of crossing concomitant events.

Like last night when Arianna celebrated her own birthday between orchids and treats. A welcome with an aperitif and then a long series of finger foods before the pumpkin risotto, speck and walnuts, some fruit, of the cake. All garnished with music and relaxation.

Except for small business teams comfortably housed in one of the offices on the first floor, for groups of twenty or more people we do not have a 'room’ secluded and given the particular distribution of spaces it is inevitable that they are all lived. But it is also the beauty of a location like this. The advantages – so far appreciated by our typical customer – are being able to live your event without having confirmations a few meters away, baptisms, birthdays, or other concurrent events in the same property (as sometimes other villas or restaurants do) and the possibility, maybe a little bit’ flirtatious, to entertain their guests in a structure different than usual.


  • August 7, 2019

People get married in Villa Bornello and, as in the famous painting by Van Eyck, There retracts with the cute beasts as companions.

With the hills and large cedar trees in the background, i due Podenco, ancient dogs of the Canary Islands, accompany Eleanor and Paul newlyweds. But instead of gazing at you in the famous convex mirror for which the painting is famous, here you will have to 'be satisfied’ of a Maserati.

The sign of the times…