

  • July 8, 2024

Thanks to @atlasofvenetomodern for last Saturday's visit sponsored by @ordinearchitettitreviso e @fondazionearchitetturatreviso. The project AOVM aims to publish a book on Venetian architecture of the second half of the 20th century in which the villa is present. Thanks to the Arch. Bertin founder at AOVM.

It was a beautiful day in between architecture and anecdotes from the villa. Above all, remembering as a generation of entrepreneurs, at the turn of the economic boom and the birth of the famous Districts of the North East to which they had contributed, turned to architects capable of giving shape to their ambitions. Having presented several dedicated publications along the way was appreciated, many original drawings and also many invoices of the time lovingly typed on two-color tissue paper. Testimony of a sign of the times which completes the history of the villa and its arrival today with many parts (practically all of them) still faithful. By the way, we'll do it next year 50 years. We need to think of something!

Chatter, stories, conviviality, handshakes, turn of the park, nature and refreshment in full mood Villa Bornello.


  • June 18, 2024

Sponsored by Treviso Architecture Foundation and from’Order of Architects of Treviso the project AOMV (Atlas Of Veneto Modern) it is a project that aims to tell the story of the Region through the architecture of the second half of the 20th century. In this period of time, between post-war reconstruction, Marshall plans, economic booms and more, a territory that until a few years ago was predominantly agricultural gives rise to a new generation of entrepreneurs and administrators who give rise to profitable commissions with as many architects and professionals. The project Atlas of Veneto Modern, by the Arch. Davide Bertin, it is not a guide or a tourist map, but an essential tool, inseparable and portable. Vehicle at the service of those who participate or, more simply, he is interested in Italian architecture in Veneto. An exhaustive atlas of "good building" created in the second half of 900.

Atlas of Veneto Modern observes architectures that in some cases have lost their function as a home or infrastructure, but they still show materiality, decorations and details, difficult to replicate today.

E’ above all a new way of thinking, halfway between architecture and sociology, to watch, get an idea and cover established territory, also, of architecture.

For the Villa the date is that of 6 July. Save the date.

Here is the series guided tours. Download it here Press release

Eventbrite Tickets


  • March 20, 2024

Like a big eye looking at the property this fixture was born without lids or blinds. An enormous praline inserted by a giant into a concrete glaze causes the wall inside to curve. ‘In dolce’, like many others details of the House. The images of one magazine in which it was published and the very recent ones at ten meters high, for a facelift we are doing to it, allow you to see it (and cuddle him) close.