Press review

A jaw capitalism

  • February 18, 2025

Il Gazzettino racconta la nostra storia. Your friends, your customers or your family. In a word, your events. In un ambiente di architettura che fu dell’imprenditore per gli imprenditori. Dove non manca mai la convivialità, propellente per gli affari.

L’idea di una villa che un tempo fu di un imprenditore e che oggi ospita imprenditori (and not only). Historical courses and appeals, il genius loci di un luogo per business meetings, networking, team building, cene o anniversari aziendali. Un luogo Reserved dove unire il lavoro alla convivialità. Perché gli affari, allora come oggi, nel nostro Veneto si fanno (also) at the table, assediati dal verde. A noi questa formula piace. E non solo a noi

Lontano da rumorosi ristoranti, rustici agriturismi, affollati Centri Congressi o magniloquenti ville venete, a moderno luogo from architecture, in exclusive per il cliente ma anche una risorsa per il territorio. Di recente ospite al Museo Bailo per l'[e]DesignFestival, la villa è stata anche inserita nel progetto Atlas of Veneto Modern ed è sede di progetti come ad esempio Companies Talks, singolarissimo format di teatro d’impresa di cui siamo referenti in loco. Per coinvolgere le imprese del territorio parlando loro di economia e processi aziendali attraverso la storia di famosi brand ed in una maniera qui da noi assai gradita: in modo practical. Here the others our various collaborations.

Thanks: @SAararmellin


  • December 10, 2024

La villa ospite all’interno di una mostra che racconta, attraverso le opere di diversi architetti, non solo la storia dei progetti ma anche il ritratto di una una generazione di committenti.

A dense and unique event and exhibition. Telling the story of a territory and an era through the relationship between designers and clients. On the one hand, architects trained in a certain school, dall’altra un nuovo ceto emergente del dopoguerra desideroso di essere rappresentato da oggetti ed architetture.

[e]DesignFestival, al suo quinto anno di vita, ne fa un’altra delle sue realizzando una mostra azzeccata perché racconta di progetto, di storia locale (and not) e di società per spiegare la trasformazione di un territorio.

Qui la visita virtuale

Villa Bornello, drawn by one of the protagonists, Roberto PamiO, and by Renato Toso, participate with drawings, oggetti e talks, at an event featuring six architects and, potentially, thousand clients. Many of the latter are born at the turn of the years 20 e 30. They are teenagers when they live with the Germans and avoid Allied bombs. Dopo una guerra l’occasione è data da un’economia che riparte. They are lucky enough to be able to rebuild. A 30-40 anni vivono il piano Marshall ed il boom economico. Sometimes without too much schooling, they understood, willpower and religion of work. Un Dna tutto Veneto a bagno in un dialetto per loro lingua nativa che lubrifica le trattative e cementifica le amicizie, which changes meaning in Italian: ‘Arrivismonon come opportunismo, utilitarianism, selfishness but as redemption, self-esteem. Arriving removes the rubble of poverty, of a large recent emigration, of a conflict whose echoes are still heard. E’l habitus by Bordieu, a role related to one's work, to a social position thanks to goods, practices and circles of people. Wealth and social recognition for a generation that is unique in its own way, not so much for the results achieved by some, as well as because widespread capitalism was born with them. Before them an agricultural Veneto, few large industrial companies, a discreet illiteracy; for many others the first class would have cost a thousand lire and the second one hundred, the third pain and fear.

The house is born & càpanon che Paolini racconta a teatro, then the North East model, the districts with all their strength and limitations.

We need something to testify, how celebrated, what guests, that sells. The exhibition tells of villas, factories, condominiums, monumenti funebri, (but also of public works) e prodotti di quell ‘ “industria diffusa dei beni di consumo a medio contenuto tecnologico, ma ad alto contenuto di immaginecome dice Masiero, entrusted to architects who interpret the style and expectations of private clients or companies.

Una mostra da visitare più volte visto l’allestimento volutamente dinamico e zeppo di dettagli. Un viaggio all’interno della seconda metà del ‘900 locale, ma da un’ottica nuova e diversa.


  • November 19, 2024

Architects and design from IUAV: works from 1960 al 1990. Dal 30 November 2024 al 23 February 2025. Bailo Museum, Treviso

The exhibition, organized by [e]Designfestival, presents architecture and design projects by Treviso architects from the second half of the 20th century. I'm Luciano Gemin, Giuseppe Davanzo and Livia Musini, Vittorio Rossi, Marilena Boccato and Gian Nicola Gigante, Roberto Pamio (designer of Villa Bornello) and finally Paolo Bandiera and Umberto Facchini. The choice of the organizers, with the patronage of the Order of Architects of Treviso and the Treviso Architecture Foundation, allows the villa to be host with original designs and furnishings from our collection designed by Roberto Pamio. We also wink at Gigante & Mouthful, what we talk about who

Here is the presentation of [e]Design Festival.

The exhibition simultaneously hosts another event at the Santa Caterina Museum, with a selection of graphics from the Salce collection, dedicated to graphics, architecture and society of the same period.

For the villa it is a second important step after its recent participation in the project AOMV which works towards similar goals.


Architects and design from IUAV: works from 1960 al 1990.
Dal 30 November 2024 al 23 February 2025
Bailo Museum, Treviso
The care of:
Luciano Setten with Giuseppe Cangialosi, Luca Facchini, Mario Gemini
With the patronage of: ADI, FAI

In collaboration with:
City of Treviso, Civic Museums of Treviso, IUAV University of Venice,
Treviso Architecture Foundation, FormaUbis.
TALKS e WORKSHOP the care of:
Paola Bellin

Opening 29 November 2024, ore 18.00
The exhibition will be open according to the opening hours of the Bailo Museum.


  • July 8, 2024

Thanks to @atlasofvenetomodern for last Saturday's visit sponsored by @ordinearchitettitreviso e @fondazionearchitetturatreviso. The project AOVM aims to publish a book on Venetian architecture of the second half of the 20th century in which the villa is present. Thanks to the Arch. Bertin founder at AOVM.

It was a beautiful day in between architecture and anecdotes from the villa. Above all, remembering as a generation of entrepreneurs, at the turn of the economic boom and the birth of the famous Districts of the North East to which they had contributed, turned to architects capable of giving shape to their ambitions. Having presented several dedicated publications along the way was appreciated, many original drawings and also many invoices of the time lovingly typed on two-color tissue paper. Testimony of a sign of the times which completes the history of the villa and its arrival today with many parts (practically all of them) still faithful. By the way, we'll do it next year 50 years. We need to think of something!

Chatter, stories, conviviality, handshakes, turn of the park, nature and refreshment in full mood Villa Bornello.


  • March 4, 2024

Weddings&nozze is an important Italian portal. They let us know yesterday that they counted the villa among the best 100 location del 2024.

The thing that pleases us equally is that filtering by 'Veneto’ and then for 'Treviso’ we turn out to be the only modern one among a few hotels and various Venetian villas. Even in the Treviso Film Commission we are the only modern one in the company of many older old sisters.

Speaking of Venetian villas we feel like the Volkswagen Beetle in the famous work of one of the greatest advertisers of the twentieth century: Bill Bernbach. It was late America 50. Faced with gigantic Cadillacs or Pontiacs, he had to be able to sell one small European car. He had to think in a small way. Guess how it ended 🙂


  • May 1, 2023

Joyful and loving brand it's a new people & lifestyle magazine distributed in the Province of Treviso. With its own breezy mood it tells of an innovative North East but with an eye on history, business and beyond. They stumbled upon ours villa and it was immediately elective affinity.

Signed by Prando Prandi, famous for having often written about Venetian entrepreneurship not only as a journalist but also as a writer, already in force as marketing director at groups such as Stefanel, Mionetto, Aperol, Deroma and known signature of the Gazzetta dello Sport , Gazzettino and others for years, the piece allows for the first time to retrace the history of the villa from both an architectural and a sociological point of view, going these two things more and more merging in recent times. Why such a villa in Treviso in those years and what are the real reasons for its construction? What is the reason for this particular relationship with her nature that surrounds it? Because this kind of architecture and what are the social functions of the villa in addition to residence? The symbolism of water aligned with fire, the play of light given by the rise of the sun from dawn to zenith, its representative function, the dinners of the past and the today's events.

But most of all: because we have goldfish almost in the living room?

A modern villa daughter of its era, where it is pleasant to come across design and details that have stubbornly survived fashions and built with spaces for conviviality. Conviviality once of the owners and now of the customers who organize it corporate events, ceremonies, shootings and not only.


  • August 9, 2022

We create our buildings and then they create us. Likewise, noi costruiamo la nostra cerchia di amici e le nostre comunità e poi loro costruiscono noi.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Treviso Città e Storie non la fa semplice. Da qualche anno racconta Treviso e provincia in modo nuovo. Non rimane in superficie. Non che si vogliano escludere i consueti ‘Marca Gioiosa et amorosa’ , il radicchio rosso, il prosecco o le case affrescate. Solo loro scavano (O, giocando su di una vocale, scovano) storie piccole e grandi di un tessuto imprenditoriale attuale che, per la ricchezza che crea, diventa anche sociale, culturale, gastronomico, emotivo.

Le eccellenze classiche del territorio le sappiamo tutti. Le loro storie invece sono spesso sconosciute ai più, partono dai dettagli e raccontano esempi di qualità che fa doppiamente piacere incrociare perché letteralmente dietro l’angolo. I redattori poi imperversano. Macinano chilometri , incontrano, indagano, intervistano, fanno domande, raccolgono materiali, fotografano, impostano, affinano, cesellano e partoriscono il pezzo. In una parola fanno i giornalisti alla vecchia maniera. Una sorta di Hunter Thompson di Marca.

This piece sulla villa rende il genius loci della casa raccontandola per i suoi scopi progettuali passed e futuri. Because architecture is volume but also use. And even fantasy, come sa bene Mara Pavan, che fa attraversare ad Alice la lunetta del nostro portico-stagno per entrare in un’altra dimensione. Ed in effetti è un pocosì, and the size is very green. Qui da noi forse nessun Bianconiglio, Mad Hatter or Cheshire Cat. Però se volete una festa di ‘non compleannosiamo qui 🙂

Grazie Treviso Città e Storie.


  • October 12, 2021

The villa's vocation has always been to host corporate events. Many companies and freelancers have passed through here. An entrepreneurial fabric from Treviso and Veneto that loves to contaminate itself thanks to networking opportunities and meetings held here.

In recent months we are partners of Creativity Startup Competition, contest project for startup born within the Treviso Creativity Week. In the company of titled and important companies of Business Angeling Italian which Angels for Impact, Angels for Women ed Impact Hub calls to Treviso to provide some jurors and prizes for the next upcoming award ceremony. In the edition 2021 in particular, new products and innovative solutions are sought that can bring added value, a significant benefit in terms of sustainable development, attributable to one or more of the 17 Objectives of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development


Treviso today

Treviso Today

News Food


  • June 8, 2021

We thank the Veneto Film Commission to host us on its pages. E’ always a pleasure to be able to share ours location within projects that aim to make places known and collaborate with local and non-local productions.

The Veneto Film Commission aims at promoting the region as a location and attracting Italian and foreign productions to the area. The film commission also acts as a reference for the local film and audiovisual industry, creating job opportunities and providing services, and for those who want to invest in productions made in Veneto.

The Film Commission offers those wishing to make a film in Veneto free services in the pre-production phase and during shooting, also acting as an intermediary with local authorities to facilitate the realization of the works. It also provides sector operators with a database of production and service companies, of professionals, of actors and of location veneti.

The Veneto Film Commission Foundation is a member of:

IFC – Italian Film Commissions

EUCFN – European Film Commissions Network


  • January 21, 2020

Villa Bornello between the locations of the Film Commission. We thank the Treviso Film Commission for giving between its pages. E’ a great satisfaction not only to accommodate – hopefully happen – the ‘ seventh art’ but also being in the company of many mansions titled land. opera, in centuries, of innovative architects and builders enlightened. that a interesting link

As you say? What is it and what does the Treviso Film Commission? E’ Simply said:

E’ an entity, Public Participation, prepared attraction of cinematographic and audiovisual productions in a given territory. It offers to the productions a series of help actions to speed up, simplify the delivery of services that involve decisions and authorizations from the Public Administration and State Bodies. It also provides […] the availability of location for businesses and professionals. The Film Commission is also a provider of financial contributions when working on predefined location which is turn to savings on the production budget of the film, both economic impact on the Territory of the film commission.” [Source: Wikipedia].

Basically if you have a movie (but not only, also spot, shootings, music videos, etc.) in the drawer and want to turn Treviso you can turn to them.

Then, But, turn it here with us 🙂

Villa Bornello between the locations of the Film Commission. Thanks again to the TFC for giving attention to the work of a visionary entrepreneur, with love for detail and for their land, and its unique country house whose genius loci still he lives today between business meetings e events always surrounded by greenery and conviviality.