E’ done. The signal arrives in various parts of the Villa. In addition to internal rooms where it is possible to connect in open areas or reserved rooms, also on the outside for summer evenings in the park or under the arcades.
They say that they are increasingly rare and that they live in healthy environments. You often come across them here. These are on the incoming dog rose.
We like ladybugs because, in line with the corporate meetings hosted in the villa, it seems that in their devouring of parasites in quantity they are tireless workers. 😀
Do you want to organize an 'organic' event’ here with us? Surrounded by greenery, a stone's throw from Treviso? A summer lounge party? A culinary event? You are a home cook and you want to organize a dinner and get lost in the park looking for aromatic herbs strictly without pesticides?
Until yesterday the net he was alone at home. It is now in a good part of the garden, around the pond, under the porticoes and on the terraces, under the shady and natural tree gazebos. As well as in guesthouse.
The network is useful for corporate events hosted in the villa. Are you interested in booking one meeting with collaboratorsand work under an oak tree? .You want to make a call with the background the water lilies in the pond? A business lunch with Google Drive on each device? Playing with’ Xbox between meetings?
Now you can. The property is all reached by the signal. Stay tuned.
Create the group, strengthen the bonds between colleagues. These are activities specifically designed to strengthen bonds between colleagues through fun games, competitive and/or collaborative.
Team Building activities almost always involve division into teams. In this way all the people in the group collaborate, they get involved, they increase their self-esteem and develop transversal skills that improve work performance.
Nothing really competitive. Actually almost just a game. Sometimes there is l’incentive team building. They are given as gifts to collaborators and employees of different days from the usual in which one relaxes and has fun together.
What you can arrange here i villa per i tuoi team building? Here are just a few examples:
Bartending: learn to create cocktails in company and team up with your mates.
Treasure hunt: within the so-called cooking team building you have to cook with your team but the ingredients (spices, medicinal plants etc.) they are scattered throughout the park and you have to hunt them down!
Geocaching: similar to treasure hunt but played via GPS!
LEGO building. Being children again in the company.
Paintball. We go to war (cooperative and harmless). With paint.
Dinner with crime. What to say? You may discover that the killer … it's you!
Bubble soccer. Play football inside an air bubble.
Ultimate frisbee. Two teams play Frisbees for turf.
The balloon ride. Why set it up, before leaving, it's a great team activity.
Croquet a squadre. Who didn't play it as a kid?
Are you interested in learning more to organize your corporate team building event and thus have fun (and let others have fun ) teaming up?
Aiutano i dipendenti ad instaurare relazionial di fuori del contesto lavorativo e a conoscersi meglio. Ma non solo.
Festeggiare i risultati raggiunti, presentare i nuovi vertici aziendali, salutare dei colleghi che vanno in pensione, scambiarsi auguri in periodi di festività, presentare nuovi prodotti, progetti o servizi agli agenti o ai dipendenti. E poi ancora riunire i commerciali esteri, fare del team building, organizzare un evento con un’azienda partner. Una festa aziendale può essere organizzata per i motivi più disparati.
A queste poi si possono sommare tantissime altre motivazioni. Le feste aziendali infatti sono importanti perché consentono all’azienda ed ai suoi stake holders di migliorare ipropri rapporti,avendo modo di incontrarsi in contesti meno formali.
Da dove inizio?
Pensa ad una serie di azioni, dall’invito alla data, dalla scaletta eventi al ‘post evento’ che contribuiscano a rendere indimenticabile la giornata.
Per l’InvitationPuoi pensare a qualcosa di cartaceo, ad una locandina in azienda, fino naturalmente alla sua versione digitale da inviare via email. La ridondanza, in questi casi, paga.
Per ilquandol’ideale è un venerdì sera o un sabato.
E dove l’organizzo?
Circa la location dipende da numero di partecipanti e stile dell’azienda. Ristoranti e agriturismi sono saturi di feste, cene ed incontri e si rischia di trovarsi a festeggiare assieme ad estranei. I centri congressi mal si prestano a vere feste il cui scopo è quello di mettere a proprio agio gli invitati in un ambiente caldo e gradevole. Discoteche e simili hanno, come i ristoranti, un taglio più di massa. La nostra villa ha la caratteristica di venir affittata per l’intero e, una volta al suo interno, si gode della riservatezza che la caratterizza.
Il menù può essere servito in tavola o a buffet, per essere più informali.
Colpi di scena?
La scaletta: a di là del cibo e delle chiacchiere la festa aziendale può essere occasione per undiscorso dei vertici, per uno scambio di auguri ufficiali fra la proprietà ed il personale, per una riunione informale (ma separata) di alcuni dirigenti. Oppure – andando sul ludico – di uno spettacolo, di una mezz’ora dicabaret, di teatro d’impresa e via andare. In ogni caso è bene creare una scaletta che verrà fatta sapere nell’invito in modo che tutti ne siano al corrente. sure, le sorprese possono sempre essere dietro l’angolo. dopotutto...è una festa!
Regala un gadget durante la festa, che sia un ricordo della giornata. Meglio ancora unacaccia al tesoro, singola o a squadre. Nelparkdella villa ne puoi organizzare di ogni tipo 🙂
Sei pronto per una festa aziendale?
Organizzare eventi di questo tipo è sempre di fondamentale importanza durante l’anno.
Non trascurare dunque questo aspetto della tua attività lavorativa: creare un ambiente dove tutti si sentano a proprio agio e dove si instaurino delle relazioni forti è fondamentale per migliorare ilrendimento sul lavoro!
Con la Legge Cirinnà del Giugno 2016 anche in Italia sono permesse leUnioni Civili, di fatto i matrimoni fra persone dello stesso sesso.
In burocratese spiccio: il riconoscimento giuridico della coppia formata da persone dello stesso sesso, finalizzato a stabilirne diritti e doveri reciproci. Le coppie omosessuali godono ora di gran parte dei diritti e dei doveri previsti per il matrimonio, incidendo sullo stato civile della persona.
L’Italia ci ha messo un po’. Iter travagliato per una legge che allinea il Paese, con calma, ad altri Europei. Avessimo avuto legislatori open minded e leggeri, alla Woody Allen, avremmo fatto prima. In ‘Zelig’ il regista americano contestava Freud, con la consueta ironia, dicendo di non essere d’accordo con il padre della psicanalisi perché quest’ultimo limitava l’invidia del pene alle donne.
Love is love. E’ uno dei motti del movimento, che a Treviso, a quanto sembra, conta giàmolte unioni . Qui inVillasiamo felici di ospitare cerimonie o eventi legati alle unioni civili perché curiosità, ironia, gusto sono spesso le caratteristiche del gay milieu che ci sentiamo di condividere.
Open For Business Day means a day that is open on a day when the company, choosing a suitable location, it offers to a targeted audience interested in meeting her. For a long time it has used this tool for schools but today is a useful marketing tool for businesses involve their public.
Already, because the company has a number of public; customers, providers, employees, agents, collaborators, stakeholders and so on and so forth. From early morning to evening ( in the weekend) the company welcomes its guests (part or all among those seen above) making them free to arrive when favorite. You can also organize the ladders of events throughout the day at fixed times.
Presenting a new product, illustrate a service, host a meeting of agents in a pleasant place, organize a corporate team building (magari un cooking team building), celebrate an anniversary. These are just some of the ingredients (also concomitant) of a open day. No less important to feel at ease guests. Here are some essential steps:
Organization: please consider the location of the freight costs, the catering costs, of any overnight stays, audio / video facilities needed, entertainment (cabaret, animators, trainers etc.…)
progress: creates a typical day chanting events and break or relax. Recruit animators, or comedians. There are valid dealing with business issues lightly.
Post evento: invite your guests to leave a comment or better an email so you can send the post-event materials or coinvolgergli retain them for future events. Leave them maybe gadgets.
Consider doing co-branding or find sponsors for the event. They might contain you costs. In the short time in which the guest (your target) will be there should I let him live the experience (propose product tastings, let them touch the new services, offer him a free consultation if you are a coach etc…)
Usual Business Relax appointment on Monday evening in the villa. Tonight guest Andrea Ravagnan of “My apartment in New York” based in Italy and in the US metropolis. Andrea told of the possibility of investing overseas either directly in an apartment or house or through their consortium in real estate trading. In the first case, you can own a house in New York that seems to have moderate returns and above all an interesting revaluation. In the second one aims to acquire shareholdings to buy entire buildings and then resell them. All this is in line with the mood of Business Relax; create a community of investors (and not only) interested in new investment opportunities and exchange of skills as already happened with the previous evenings. And anyway by invitation.
The other night the theme was foreign real estate. But during the evening many topics concerning this sector were touched, from the balance & excerpt, to short rents. Dal social housing all’home staging. And yes they are unleashed skills. This is also Business Relax.
To the sound of aperitifs, dinners and exchange of business cards.
Soundtrack of the evening: Chat Baker e John Coltrane.
Classroom training? Sometimes it is inevitable. But you want to put it in the park?
The coffee break in the corridor, the bar, the machines? Why not instead do a buffet then sitting on a sofa or warming the palms in front of the fireplace?
The informal training. Coinvolgere e non impartire. Lessons, workshop o corsi tenuti in un ambiente alternativo ma anche ospitale ecollaborative. The villa is offered for this kind of training sessions. Its spaces may be prepared according to necessity. Even with the normal classroom composed of chairs.
Team building, leadership, lean thinking and another in the living room, in the garden or beside the pond. Why not?
Are you an agency that organizes courses? A company with Serbia in a day for its employees? A trainer? Write to us.
Do you want to marry so natural? A Villa Bornello can. We are selecting the catering bio ( while the wines we have already found) to propose in case you wanted to taste them together with your guests a break from the pond and a walk in the green.
In family, with friends, with colleagues, customers or suppliers. The table is social fuel that releases ideas. The conviviality propellant is earnest or minor things topics, in an environment far from that work, facilitate knowledge, meetings, ideas.
Want to book Villa for a Business lunch (🙂 or dinner for the presentation of a project? For the 'firm’ a collaboration? Per un cooking team building? A company dinner?
Sometimes they reaffirm. Reordering the archives, some commemorative bottles of the past emerge. Of an event dedicated to Afra and Tobia Scarpa who, making wine, they had made a good year available. Business, architecture and conviviality all under one roof.
Poche cose essenziali qui in villa per i tuoi eventi: la comodità di essere vicini a Treviso, la riservatezza, gli ampi spazi, il verde e la luce. What else?
This evening was presented in villa, all’interno del format ‘Business relax’ Tomato +, innovative dynamic startups bresciana active in the production of hydroponic greenhouses for the production of vegetables for the domestic sector and Ho.re.ca.
reported by Gemba Ltd., consulting firm Treviso, Tomato + It was presented with one of the hydroponic greenhouses which produces, in degrees to get picked vegetables for restaurant owners and families.
Effective presentation and precise answers to the many questions from an audience of investors led to the probable creation of a vehicle to invest in the company that already has an important historical.
As in any 'business relaxation’ respecting followed catering proposed on this occasion by’Child prodigy Treviso, Local citizen twenty.
Villabornello.com is happy to host these and other corporate events because they are yet another demonstration that the business combination <–> conviviality remains a fertile networking tool to grow in relationships and exchanges.