Villa Bornello, Author at Villa Bornello's Posts


  • October 18, 2024

Vidisha ed Andrea fra architettura, nature ed ampi spazi per un matrimonio frizzante e giocoso. Dal tableau ‘Matrimoniopolyai giochi per gli ospiti, dalla Nsu Printz al tris la cui soluzione è:’I love you’.

La regia della sposa ha amalgamato tutti gli ingredienti per rendere felici sia il palato che gli occhi degli ospiti. The villa ha provveduto a fornire tutti gli allestimenti.

Così ci piace, strano.


  • October 1, 2024

Il brand organizza una due giorni d’incontro fra agenti e rivenditori del Nord Est qui in villa.

Volevano una cosa diversa, non la sala del ristorante o del centro congressi. Un loro format fatto anche di specchi e piante, ha incontrato il mood informale della villa. L’azienda padovana presentava le nuove collezioni agli ottici del Nord Est. La location ha ospitato i lavori, le coffee stations all day long, lunches in cooking pots, le chiacchiere fra commerciali nel consueto modo leggero ed ospitale immersi nel verde. Catering by @buricitreviso


  • July 29, 2024

A’ another heir of Hippocrates vows to have fun like crazy at her graduation party, at the end of several years bent over sweaty papers.

The ingredients are all there. Cool evening, about fifty friends, one band, a super catering of pickles and finger foods, light but never ending. Arrangements with the red-graduation color a little’ anywhere. The papyrus and some gunshots (with water !), the dance, you sing them, l’open bar, refreshing fruit skewers and a gigantic tart. Feeling free to wander around villa and the park.

Credits: catering Green pastures | Pastry shop Ardizzoni


  • July 27, 2024

Wedding as an event or as something intimate and heartfelt? One hundred and fifty, two hundred people or thirty-fifty intimates perhaps allowing themselves a certain luxury? What if you did it just the two of you or with very few friends, but it lasted two or three days? There are many possibilities. Here are some examples of what we organize here villa.


The microwedding is an intimate celebration, around the 50-60 invited to the maximum, which allows the spouses to experience every single moment of the event and to lovingly take care of all the guests. It can turn into a luxury wedding, treated with attention to the smallest details, thanks to the small number of participants. Imagine being able to share a little holiday with your friends people closest to you, perhaps spending a few days relaxing before or after the big day.


Minimony is a perfect formula for couples who don't want to give up officially getting married and celebrating their love on the day it was planned. The reception with all the guests is only postponed at a later time, when it will be possible again. Minimony is therefore the intimate celebration with parents and siblings. The “sequel” with friends we will do it another time. Here in Villa they often organize the premiere, intima, for lunch and then the party with the kids amici it will be.


From here we slide into the actual development, that is, the possibility of celebrate your wedding as a real romantic escape. Only the married and in some cases very few intimates , they organize a trip with a ceremony in the villa (for example two or three days in Veneto, between the Prosecco hills, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and Venice with wedding and overnight stay in the villa. Services such as photographer or videomaker are generally insured, wanting.


  • July 12, 2024

Giorgio's birthday, the globetrotter who loves wine and the mountains. With a pleasant surprise, an original Bulli Volkswagen!! A simple and delicious catering, but modular and expandable. A selection of wines including a strawberry left chilled for dessert. All immersed in nature and in the’architecture


  • July 8, 2024

Thanks to @atlasofvenetomodern for last Saturday's visit sponsored by @ordinearchitettitreviso e @fondazionearchitetturatreviso. The project AOVM aims to publish a book on Venetian architecture of the second half of the 20th century in which the villa is present. Thanks to the Arch. Bertin founder at AOVM.

It was a beautiful day in between architecture and anecdotes from the villa. Above all, remembering as a generation of entrepreneurs, at the turn of the economic boom and the birth of the famous Districts of the North East to which they had contributed, turned to architects capable of giving shape to their ambitions. Having presented several dedicated publications along the way was appreciated, many original drawings and also many invoices of the time lovingly typed on two-color tissue paper. Testimony of a sign of the times which completes the history of the villa and its arrival today with many parts (practically all of them) still faithful. By the way, we'll do it next year 50 years. We need to think of something!

Chatter, stories, conviviality, handshakes, turn of the park, nature and refreshment in full mood Villa Bornello.


  • June 26, 2024

80s and 90s evening for Marika's fiftieth birthday & Katia. 'Vinyl' setup, games, open bar and entertainment in the verde. Between villa and park a party in total relaxation. Spills, good wine and a DJ set to this for them and their friends. Catering by Topbanqueting. Event powered by Michael Brioschi.


  • June 25, 2024

Shooting of product in the villa taking advantage of the splendid day. Casarialto chose to shoot here one of the latest glass table furniture collections inspired by nature and partly by dragonflies. That who they are not missing :-).

Very, very particular objects, result of a profound passion for the art of glass.

Little secret: in image number 9 there's a trick 🙂


  • June 18, 2024

Sponsored by Treviso Architecture Foundation and from’Order of Architects of Treviso the project AOMV (Atlas Of Veneto Modern) it is a project that aims to tell the story of the Region through the architecture of the second half of the 20th century. In this period of time, between post-war reconstruction, Marshall plans, economic booms and more, a territory that until a few years ago was predominantly agricultural gives rise to a new generation of entrepreneurs and administrators who give rise to profitable commissions with as many architects and professionals. The project Atlas of Veneto Modern, by the Arch. Davide Bertin, it is not a guide or a tourist map, but an essential tool, inseparable and portable. Vehicle at the service of those who participate or, more simply, he is interested in Italian architecture in Veneto. An exhaustive atlas of "good building" created in the second half of 900.

Atlas of Veneto Modern observes architectures that in some cases have lost their function as a home or infrastructure, but they still show materiality, decorations and details, difficult to replicate today.

E’ above all a new way of thinking, halfway between architecture and sociology, to watch, get an idea and cover established territory, also, of architecture.

For the Villa the date is that of 6 July. Save the date.

Here is the series guided tours. Download it here Press release

Eventbrite Tickets


  • June 18, 2024

They even wanted grass (a bit) high these 'frikketoni', in order to have the daisies so dear to us nostalgici seventies. Dyane 2cv was missing, Bulli Wolkswagen and portable record players but as for fringes, hair ties, wedges, Rayban, floral shirts, mileage lapels, leather jackets, genderless overalls and elephant paws, they were second to none. A feather boa was also spotted meandering around.

Federica and Alessandro thus celebrated their wedding, giving an often formal event such as a wedding a jaunty touch. Catering in linea, refined but informal. Some flashes towards 23.00 it was immortalized by the villa photographer above the band (Credits: Bitols singer & dj ) that sounded.

Click on the images to enlarge


  • June 10, 2024


  • May 27, 2024

Marilena Boccato and Gian Nicola Gigante they are two designers from Treviso who have been active above all over the years 70-90. Engaged in both architecture and industrial design, they designed for Seccose, Panto, Zerbetto, Caloi, Ultom and many others. In collaboration with the Paduan Antonio Zambusi they also drew a lot for Sicart, famous bathroom accessories company based in Cartigliano (VI). For the bathrooms villa in due time their objects were chosen. Especially the series Cancel (circa 1975-76). Now the factory is no longer there but their pieces or soap dishes, coat hangers, toothbrush holder, toilet brush holder, roll holder and more, they still populate our bathrooms in an absolutely coordinated way. And they're fine.

Not long ago this beautiful story happened: the serious Cancel it was designed in a clean, thin steel profile that supported ceramic containers. A few nicks over the years’ ceramics took it. Wanting to replace them we faced not one but three problems: the pieces had been out of production for decades, the factory had closed a few years ago and, last but not least, an Arab who wanted to get rid of warehouses had bought it, projects and history. This seemed difficult. Having abandoned the idea of ​​involving heirs and the like, we went back up again, Once again, to those who frequent the factories(of)a: i designers !

Search and research we met a historic designer from Sicart, the professor Spanish Angel,. Thanks to him we managed to access the factory, where the professor found some old plaster casts of’Cancel. From here we then obtained the replacement pieces made by a ceramist from Nove, thus managing to maintain the spirit of the times in the bathrooms, the same original pieces from the 70s out of respect for the aesthetic choices made at the time and even for a while’ with a healthy vintage spirit.

And then having survived the temptation to radically change them for fifty years was certainly rewarded 🙂

The objects today

Sketches, projects and catalogues originals



  • May 20, 2024

Five years only happen once 🙂

Children's area with entertainment, inflatable, bubbles, face painting and off we go. Far away from there is the parents area with nibbles, wines and lounges. In the middle the verde is the master. We play football, yes tyrant fresbees, we chase each other, the Indian hut is built. But the pond is also attractive. E’ there, at the edge of the lake, who cuts the cake at the end of a red carpet and under a display of balloons.

And then I play again, corse, shouting under the watchful eye of parents who know they have everything under control having all the exclusive space dominated by the gigantic Himalayan cedars at the foot of the hills.

How it ended? With the children collapsed in the back seats of the cars. In their immediate future a hot shower before bed.


  • April 23, 2024

Birthday party. From the welcome to the cake, from music to opening presents. From group photos to chatting in the park. The relaxation of a modern villa (she is also Venetian, but luckily it hasn't 500 years ;)) into the green. Ed exclusive

She and her family are Moldovan. Halfway through the party, traditional dance with all the cheering relatives revolving around the beautiful birthday girl. It was like being in a Kusturica film.



  • April 9, 2024

The appointment with the architecture tour in collaboration with is renewed Meter. After the beautiful day last year, il 4 May you will be guests in the villa with a tour of Pamio's work & Toso and an aperitif in the park and then visit Carlo Scarpa's Brion tomb (of which i ‘ our’ they were students) in Caselle di Altivole. All inclusive of authorized guides. You can find info, a pleasant chat where you can chat with the other participants and above all registrations on site the Meeters.


  • March 20, 2024

Like a big eye looking at the property this fixture was born without lids or blinds. An enormous praline inserted by a giant into a concrete glaze causes the wall inside to curve. ‘In dolce’, like many others details of the House. The images of one magazine in which it was published and the very recent ones at ten meters high, for a facelift we are doing to it, allow you to see it (and cuddle him) close.


  • March 5, 2024

Our collaboration with Companies Talks continue with the story of Tesla. We are pleased to invite you to the online event “The History of Tesla”: throughout the day today Tuesday 5 March you will be able to access for free to the vision of “The History of Tesla”, one of the new business stories developed by Companies Talks.
Introduction by Michele Bornello and Andrea Dotti. Here is the show

Companies Talks is a storytelling project created to host in villa local companies and tell them, through the theater, the stories of large entrepreneurial projects such as Google, Amazon, Netflix, Facebook, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Airbnb , Tesla, Toyota, Olivetti, Ferrero, Spotify and others still.

The aim is to draw insights from these narratives, ideas and messages useful for achieving the objectives of business of the company.

To motivate, to team up, for a moment of corporate unity. A format hosted in a villa for the Treviso area (and not).

For those who would like to attend this and other shows or organize a similar one for their company, hosted here by us in the villa or at the headquarters: write to

Good vision!


  • March 4, 2024

Weddings&nozze is an important Italian portal. They let us know yesterday that they counted the villa among the best 100 location del 2024.

The thing that pleases us equally is that filtering by 'Veneto’ and then for 'Treviso’ we turn out to be the only modern one among a few hotels and various Venetian villas. Even in the Treviso Film Commission we are the only modern one in the company of many older old sisters.

Speaking of Venetian villas we feel like the Volkswagen Beetle in the famous work of one of the greatest advertisers of the twentieth century: Bill Bernbach. It was late America 50. Faced with gigantic Cadillacs or Pontiacs, he had to be able to sell one small European car. He had to think in a small way. Guess how it ended 🙂


  • February 26, 2024

We have been on the Dutch site for some time Casadellanatura, a site where it is possible to book the villa by dedicating a small part of the expense to local natural projects. Create food forests, improve the habitat of a particular animal or insect species, rejuvenate a piece of forest for the benefit of biodiversity and climate adaptation: every nature project is different. In this they contribute to doing something for nature close to home in a different way every time.

They have carried out projects with Rewilding Europe partners, The Pollinators, StreetFarmer, Hoopheggen e VZW Durme ed altri.

They started with these local nature projects in the Netherlands, but in 2020 they also started donating for the first project in Italy, to save the bears in the Central Apennines. You can follow all the projects (made) who.

In a house in nature you can escape the stressful everyday life and relax in the midst of nature. A house in nature is a place where you can meet with friends for celebrate in nature. It is the ideal starting point for a trip around. A house in nature is a way to celebrate a holiday.

If you would like more information please fill in below




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    • February 26, 2024

    Simply Business 2024. Very fitting title for such a meeting. Emma he wanted this 'den' of ours for himself and his entrepreneur friends. For them a midweek evening during which they were able to meet exceptional speakers and a catering that pampers the palate without forgetting the eye.
    The auditorium on the lower floor and a 'gallery' on the first have transformed the villa in a sort of theater and those present in a sort of club immersed in informality and conviviality. In full style Villa Bornello.